Are you getting enough activity at work?

15th June 2014
Workplace; Inactivity; Physio

Workaplce Inactivity AdviceOur workplaces offer us all great opportunities...income, social interaction and sometimes fun! What it is more and more commonly offering though is an opportunity to be too sedentary.

Computers and the proliferation of technology integration within the office has resulted in us humans using our brains more and our bodies less.

Gone is the day that the typical office worker leaves their desk periodically to access paper files, collect the post or walk to the fax machine. Even the requirement to walk to the printer is becoming less frequently needed.

What this means is less activity being undertaken in the working day...added with a busy, productivity focus working ethos where leaving your desk is perceived to be negative and working through lunch being viewed as normal, it is understandable why our fitness and wellness is falling.

The solutions to these problems were highlighted on 6 June during the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy's Workout at Work Day. James acted as a spokesperson for the CSP and was able to set out good advice in an article in The Western Mail. James' healthy walk to Cardiff Bay Barrage with the Health Minisiter, Mark Drakeford was also covered in The Penarth Times.

James also worked with Atradius employees in Cardiff Bay and undertook a lunchtime walking project that offered an 18% improvement in their Health and Wellbeing over just a 3 week period.

Simple walks at lunchtime or on the way to work can make a significant difference to your general fitness and health...15 minutes a day of additional walking will be over an hour over the week...this is a significant improvement that you will notice through better concentration, focus and quality of sleep...challenge yourself today to do a little more and you will reap the benefits.

To find out more about how James Rind Physiotherapy can help you to become more active at work contact us and have a chat.